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An Extended Break

Hello Warcraftlover readers,

As we’re all aware, 2020 has been a rough year. Between COVID-19 outbreaks, economic downturns, and civil rights protests this year has been crazy.

In my personal life, I’ve been in treatment for depression and anxiety. Some days I’ve been so sick I couldn’t get out of bed. Antidepressant medications caused severe allergic reactions. Even now, I type this message with severe swelling in my hands. It’s painful, but my love for writing and the World of Warcraft community keep my strength.

My support network has always been small, and at times it’s been non-existent. Friends who I thought were my friends abandoned me in my time of need. The family has ignored and even worsened my problem by misunderstanding the situation. Through it all, one person has remained a constant beacon of hope.  My godmother.

An Extended Break Continued

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If you’ve read the about me page you’ll know how much my godmother means to me. She’s the reason why I play video games. I wouldn’t have discovered my love for books or writing either if it wasn’t for her.

She introduced me to World of Warcraft, and thanks to her I created memories in the game which will last me a lifetime. When she moved from California to Oklahoma 15 years ago I was sad, but nothing can compare to the indescribable pain I feel now.

My godmother passed away today. At the moment I’m numb, and my brain hasn’t processed the information. All I know is that I may need to take a break. So my blog posts may become more sporadic over the next month. To say this year has been tough for everyone is an understatement.

My heart is heavy, and I wish life had gone differently. I wish I’d gotten to visit her in Oklahoma. We played World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, and Animal Crossing together. I’ll always cherish those memories. She meant the world to me, especially when the world hadn’t been kind to me.

Thank you,



