Tag: new patch

  • WoW’s 15th Anniversary and PTR Notes

    WoW’s 15th Anniversary and PTR Notes

    WoW’s 15th Anniversary is almost here and I couldn’t be more excited. Blizzard has released the PTR notes and there are some surprises in store. Blizzard is going to make the anniversary a must-see event with some of these new additions. My goblin hunter will finally receive her heritage armor and a much needed model…

  • WoW Twitch Stream

    WoW Twitch Stream

        EDIT: As of August 12, 2019, my Twitch stream is on a hiatus. You may see me streaming on occasion if I’m recording something, but at the moment I’m trying to focus on other projects. Thank you for understanding!   Hey guys! I wanted to post my stream with my hunter Delyshia. I…